Antoine Regnault
Antoine is a statistician specializing in the analysis of COA data with more than 20 years of experience in this area.
Antoine was originally trained as a biostatistician (MSc in Biostatistics; University Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2) and a health economist (MSc in Health Economics; University Claude Bernard Lyon 1) before focusing his research on the analysis of COA data.
He completed a PhD in Applied Statistics from University Claude Bernard Lyon 1; his work explored the use of quantitative methods for assessing the cross-cultural validity of patient-reported outcomes instruments. Over the past 20 years, Antoine conducted numerous analytical projects using COA data from clinical trials and observational studies in a wide variety of disease areas, including oncology, hematology, ophthalmology, pain and rare diseases.
Antoine is a co-author of many peer-reviewed publications related to COA analysis and has presented his work at many international scientific conferences. He is currently co-chairing the Mixed Methods Special Interest Group of the International Society of Quality of Life (ISOQOL). He is a research fellow of the academic team EA 4275 SPHERE (MethodS for Patient-centered outcomes and HEalth REsearch) of the University of Nantes (France).