
Angély Loubert

PhD, PharmD
Senior Statistician

Angély is both a pharmacist and a biostatistician. After graduating from his pharmaceutical studies at Montpellier University, with a research/industry major, he completed an MSc with honors in Biostatistics from Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University in 2017. He then completed a PhD in Biostatistics from Nantes University in 2022, in a partnership between Modus Outcomes and the academic INSERM Unit 1246 SPHERE (MethodS for Patient-centered outcomes and HEalth REsearch). His PhD work aimed at improving the quality of Patient-Reported Outcomes endpoints from clinical trials, by applying metrological principles, which are measurement standards originally set up in physical sciences.

Angély has a wide range of skills and working experience, from retail pharmacy to hospital and research laboratories, in France and Japan, based on previous work experience. While working on his PhD within Modus Outcomes, Angély also gained experience working on the analysis of Patient-Reported Outcomes data from clinical trials, including both endpoint-related and psychometric analyses. He has experience as a statistician in various therapeutic fields, such as oncology, ophthalmology, psychiatry, immune system and respiratory diseases.