Leslie Pendrill
Leslie R Pendrill is exploring how human-based and other qualitative measurements can be quality-assured and innovative.
Adjunct Professor Leslie R Pendrill, BSc. Physics, PhD Atomic Physics, University of Reading, England, in 1975 and 1978, respectively. Adjunct professor at Uppsala University, Graduate School Advanced Instrumentation and Measurement Technology, 2006 – 2008.
Research & Development Director at Measurement Technology Division and the National Metrology Institute of SP at Borås from 1985 – 2012.
Professor Pendrill continues to play a leading role, nationally and internationally, including Chairman 2009-12 for EURAMET, the European association of national metrology institutes in Europe.
He is currently Chair of ISO/TC12 Quantities & Units.
Better measurement leads to better products and health. Therefore, Professor Pendrill develops new quality-assured measurement methods in which Man is the main actor, for example, measuring perceived comfort, etc., as well as optimized measurement uncertainty, where the effects of measurement are weighed against the effects of product evaluations.
The concept of Man as a Measurement Instrument with Rasch analysis is allowing separate estimates in human-based observations of person sensitivity and item challenge/quality. This in turn enables proper treatment of qualitative data; reduced measurement uncertainty; and opportunities to establish metrological references for comparability. Optimized uncertainty enters into conformity assessment and by extension to standardization and regulation.
Learn more about applications of statistical methods in measurement and testing, and about Leslie.