Haley Augustson
Haley is a mixed-methods researcher who has long been interested in using data to understand complex human experiences and improve life outcomes. Haley has a Master of Arts degree in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, where she focused on comparative politics and methodology. Haley’s graduate research focused on individual, social, and structural factors shaping political mobilization. She received advanced methodological training at the Institute for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research at Syracuse University. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and Political Science from Goucher College.
Haley excels at figuring out strategic, creative solution processes for intricate problems and really digging into the “fine print” of the work. She is passionate about every stage of the research process and brings a wide range of research skills to Modus Outcomes-- including semi-structured interviewing, questionnaire development, data cleaning, desk research, and large-n statistical analysis.
Haley’s project management and coordination experience comes from the non-profit arena. She is on the executive board of a non-profit organization that serves several thousand people. She is also a member of an installation-level working group responsible for the strategic planning, logistical creation, and successful sustainment of a specialized professional space to meet the needs of an under-supported population.
Finally, Haley has more than ten years of tutoring and editing experience, prioritizing client satisfaction and effective communication of complex concepts.